Chapel Hill-Durham Homeschoolers
Chapel Hill-Durham Homeschoolers is a diverse network of parents and children homeschooling in North Carolina’s Chapel Hill, Durham and surrounding communities. We pride ourselves in providing an inclusive, supportive environment for all of our member families. With our network of veteran homeschoolers, we are confident you will find what you need to be confident in your homeschool journey.
Google Group
Chapel Hill-Durham Homeschoolers stay connected through our exclusive and very active online community. This is a great place to ask for advice, plan classes or events, and share information with other homeschooling families. Staying connected regularly is what helps make this group so successful. Join Now.
Friday Enrichment
Join other CHDH members for Friday Enrichment where we offer a variety of classes taught by members of our community. These classes are organized into multi-week sessions throughout the year. From toddlers to teens, there is something for everyone.
CHDH Events
You will want to join in for many CHDH-sponsored events to connect new and returning members, like our annual pool party or potluck lunches. Recurring events, such as our Tuesdays with Littles playgroup and skate sessions are always well attended. Gather with friends for local trips to museums and plays. There is always something new and interesting going on. Check our calendar for more.
Mission Statement
Chapel Hill-Durham Homeschoolers strives to support and encourage all homeschooling families through their homeschooling journey. We embrace diverse homeschool families and expect members are committed to including and celebrating all members, regardless of their visible and invisible differences from one another. These differences include (but are not limited to) race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, spiritual affiliation (or lack thereof), ability, and neurotype. The lived experiences of our members, and their full access to basic human rights, is not open for debate. As an organization, we tolerate nothing less than the equality of every member.
New to Homeschooling?
We have compiled a selection of homeschooling resources that we hope will help you as you embark on this journey. Everything from the legal process for opening a homeschool to a list of other local groups and links about different approaches to home education.
About Us
Chapel Hill Homeschoolers is a diverse network of parents and children homeschooling in North Carolina's Chapel Hill, Durham and surrounding communities. Our group was founded in 1990 to provide encouragement, support and enriching activities for our homeschooling community.
Chapel Hill Homeschoolers is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit organization and accepts donations of any amount. You can send us a donation through paypal or email for our mailing address.
Members and non-members can support CHDH through several fundraising channels at no extra cost to you. Please see our fundraising page for more.