Members Only

This page has links to many files and forms for member access and use. These links only work if you are signed in to your browser using the same email that you use in the google group. Feel free to contact if you are having trouble.

Mission Statement

Chapel Hill-Durham Homeschoolers strives to support and encourage all homeschooling families through their homeschooling journey. We embrace diverse homeschool families and expect members are committed to including and celebrating all members, regardless of their visible and invisible differences from one another.  These differences include (but are not limited to) race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, spiritual affiliation (or lack thereof), ability, and neurotype. The lived experiences of our members, and their full access to basic human rights, is not open for debate.  As an organization, we tolerate nothing less than the equality of every member.

Bylaws and Guidelines

Bylaws (current from Sept 2022)

Email list guidelines